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At The Very Front Of Our Minds

The Greater Shepparton community is at the very front of our minds

Throughout modern time, there has always been the need to give generously. Inequalities of life, means there are those who need, and those who have the capacity to give. Philanthropy, is the act of connecting these sectors of society, for the betterment of all. The ancient Greeks used the term “Philanthropia”, which means ‘love of humanity’. Webster dictionary refers to Philanthropy being an act of goodwill to promote human welfare.

Philanthropy Australia, the national peak body for Philanthropy, hold an annual conference, this year in Adelaide in August. This event has the primary aim of connecting the Philanthropic and Not-For-Profit sectors, by providing advocacy, networking, and resources, as well as information and research for the Australian community. GSF Executive Officer, Amanda McCulloch and Vice Chair Julia Thomas, had the privilege to attend this event, with the Greater Shepparton Community at the very front of our minds, while we piece together how our organisation can best meet the needs of our community.

It is estimated $2.6 trillion will pass between generations in Australia, over the next two decades. Philanthropy Australia has a very real blueprint to double structured giving over the next ten years, by tapping into some of this generational wealth transfer. Equally, the federal government has set an ambitious goal to double charitable giving, in the same timeframe. And, given a recent legislation reform in the sector, has meant the public and private family funds holding these assets, have an easier time, getting that money out into community, where it is intended to be. Greater Shepparton Foundation is beautifully placed, to take full advantage of this momentous shift in wealth, for the betterment of our local community.

The Conference highlighted the importance of ensuring everyone feels empowered to be a part of the social changemaking that is occurring. Philanthropy is perceived to involve only the wealthy, when in fact this is only a part of a very intricate and dedicated system of stakeholders. The volunteers, the small-scale donors, the community-led initiatives, the workplace-givers, the weekend-helpers, the business-community advocates, these are all vital players in the important world of Philanthropic giving. Greater Shepparton Foundation has long been a conduit in our community, a connector of these people and groups, and we are working hard to ensure we remain a vital piece of sustainable community-giving infrastructure, long into the future.

We invite you to be part of our vision for Greater Shepparton.  We are working towards inclusive, interconnected communities where everybody has an equal opportunity to participate.

Your support will assist us to achieve our goal of amplifying, assisting and elevating community driven change in our priority areas of focus.

With your generosity, we can collaborate to strengthen our community by building social and economic resilience.

If you would like to find out more about how a tax-deductible donation to Greater Shepparton Foundation benefits the Greater Shepparton community, please visit the 'Major Projects' and 'Grants' pages on our website, alternatively to make a donation please visit the ‘Donate’ page on the website.

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